Amnesty International says the West has double standards over Gaza

Amnesty International has criticized Western governments supporting Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza, alleging a double standard in their response compared to the support given to Ukraine amid the Russian invasion.

Agnès Callamard, the group’s Secretary General, emphasized the discrepancy, stating that while there is a swift response to the aggression against Ukraine, there is reluctance to address the multiple bombings and suffering in Gaza.

This accusation was made during the Paris Peace Forum, where global issues, including climate change and threats to human rights, were discussed.

Amnesty International, along with numerous countries worldwide, has been advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza, where Israeli forces have killed over 11,000 civilians including 4,500 children.

It comes as some Israeli officials have called to ‘nuke’ Gaza, with others calling it a ‘promised land’, showing no remorse for civilian deaths.

Global calls for a ceasefire have been widespread but Western governments are adamant in allowing the genocide to take place as they watch.

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