Army, ‘remnants of regime’ pillaged Sudan’s central bank ...

Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Saturday said the army forces from the 16th infantry division, and putschists loyal to former regime have looted the Central Bank of Sudan in Nyala state and all of its sub branches since the start of war.

The robbery of banks, public and private institutions is committed by the same “group who robbed power at night more than thirty years ago, during which they stole the morals, values, customs, sweat and dreams of the Sudanese people,” said RSF.

The Sudanese group also accused the army and remnants of “coup forces” of “committing the most heinous crimes against humanity through indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas and killing hundreds of civilians and displacing thousands of families.”

Fighting between two opposing military commanders has extended to towns in the war-torn southern regions of Sudan causing serious concerns for the safety of hundreds of thousands who have already fled the violence in the Darfur region.

Since the outbreak of conflict on April 15, the immense western and southern regions has witnessed some of the most severe violence, pitting the army led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commanded by Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo.

In recent months, a number of individuals from the previous regime of dictator Omar al-Bashir, which was overthrown in 2019, have managed to break out of prison.

Most of these criminals have openly expressed their backing for Burhan’s army.

Nyala, the second-largest city in Sudan and the capital of South Darfur state, has been engulfed in recent clashes.

An emergency room set up in the city said Friday that it had been “living under catastrophic humanitarian conditions” as fighting raged for a seventh straight day.

“The clashes have resulted in the death of a large number of defenceless victims… and a countless number of injuries and humanitarian violations with all state hospitals out of service,” it added.

On Thursday, the United States called upon the conflicting parties to halt the resurging violence in Nyala and other densely inhabited regions.

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said Washington was particularly alarmed by reports of indiscriminate shelling in Nyala.

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