Arrest warrant issued for Sierra Leone opposition leader

A Sierra Leone court has authorized an arrest warrant for Samura Kamara, the opposition leader who secured second place in the country’s last June presidential election, citing corruption allegations.

The Court of Appeal has ordered the immediate arrest of Dr. Samura M.W. Kamara, former All People’s Congress Party (APC) presidential candidate, over his alleged involvement in a transaction concerning the 2012 sale of government-held shares in a mining company, according to the court’s statement.

Kamara’s legal representative hasn’t responded for comment on the court’s decision. Despite finishing as the runner-up in the June 2023 presidential election, Kamara contested the results while his party, the APC, accused the entire electoral process—presidential, parliamentary, and local—of being rigged and consequently boycotted parliament and local councils.

An agreement was later brokered in October between the government and the APC, wherein the latter agreed to end their boycott in exchange for assurances to halt politically motivated detentions and court cases.

Since taking office in 2018, President Bio has launched an aggressive campaign against widespread corruption and mismanagement of public assets. Numerous high-ranking members of the Koroma administration have faced allegations, drawing criticism from the APC, the former ruling party, labeling it a “witch-hunt.”

Kamara has been on trial since December 2021 on charges of embezzling over $2.5 million in public funds while serving as the foreign minister, allegedly diverting funds intended for the renovation of the consulate in New York.

Recent unrest erupted in Freetown, characterized by the government as an “attempted coup.” Armed assailants attacked a military arsenal, two barracks, two prisons, and two police stations on November 26, resulting in clashes with security forces. Official reports indicated 21 casualties: 18 security force members and three assailants. Subsequently, 80 individuals have been arrested in connection with these incidents.

Police implicated former President Koroma as a suspect in orchestrating the November 26 events, subsequently placing him under house arrest following the announcement.

Since 2020, the West African region has experienced a series of coups, with military takeovers occurring in Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Guinea.

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