At least 49 killed, 120 missing after boat capsizes in Congo

A boat capsized on the Congo River in Equateur Province, resulting in at least 49 fatalities and 120 individuals still unaccounted for.

The incident took place in Mbandaka city, with provincial Deputy Governor Taylor Nganzi stating that the boat was en route to Bolomba from the port of Bankita, a journey spanning over 300 kilometers (186 miles).

Nganzi emphasized that the capsize occurred during the night, in violation of safety regulations.

“The boat was carrying both passengers and cargo, including construction materials,” Nganzi informed the press.

“Efforts to locate the missing persons are currently underway,” he added, noting that the recorded death toll, including several children, remains subject to change.

Witnesses indicated that the tragic accident was a result of overloading, as the private boat was transporting 500 bags of cement and iron bars.

Despite the prevalence of river transport in the region due to challenging terrestrial routes, navigation during nighttime is strictly prohibited to minimize the occurrence of such tragedies.

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