Benin president urges reconciliation with coup-hit neighbors

Benin President Patrice Talon emphasized the need for swift re-establishment of diplomatic ties between Benin and its neighboring countries currently under military rule following recent coups.

In his annual address to the nation before parliament in Porto-Novo, President Talon highlighted the situation in Niger, particularly referencing the overthrow of President Mohamad Bazoum in July.

He asserted the importance of various phases in responding to such crises, advocating for condemnation, demands, evaluation, and acknowledgment.

President Talon urged international partners to clarify their intentions and expectations concerning the affected nations, stressing the responsibility of the de facto rulers to demonstrate goodwill.

The economic repercussions resulting from West African regional bloc sanctions on Niger have significantly impacted Benin, leading to the closure of their shared border and severe consequences on Benin’s economy. Talon’s call for restored relations aims to address these pressing issues and foster stability in the region.

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