Britain’s King Charles commences historic visit to Kenya

Britain’s King Charles III arrived in Kenya accompanied by Queen Camilla for a four-day historic visit that promises to strengthen ties between the two countries.

Touching down late Monday at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, the royal couple was warmly welcomed by Kenya’s Foreign Affairs Minister Musalia Mudavadi, who is also the Prime Cabinet Secretary, alongside the British High Commissioner to Kenya, Neil Wigan. 

Also present were high-ranking Kenyan government officials.

The momentous visit marks Charles’ first official visit to a Commonwealth nation since his ascension to the throne.

The timing of the visit carries exceptional significance as Kenya prepares to celebrate its 60th anniversary of independence from British colonial rule on Dec. 12. 

The enduring and multifaceted ties between Kenya and the UK have not been obscured by their historical colonial past. Despite the tumultuous history, the two nations have built a relationship grounded in mutual respect, cooperation and shared values. 

According to the government, King Charles III’s visit will offer an opportunity for both nations to reflect on their shared history and explore opportunities for collaboration in various sectors including trade, education and culture.

The king is also set to address the issue of past grievances related to Kenya’s colonial history under British rule.

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