Chinese mining company halted in Central African Republic

It has been reported that the government of the Central African Republic (CAR) has suspended the operations of a Chinese mining company over allegations of ties to armed groups.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Mines, a Chinese company engaged in gold and diamond mining in the country is alleged to have links to armed groups.

Therefore, it was stated that the activities of the Chinese company have been suspended.

The Chinese mining firm, named Daqing SARL, was operating in the Mingala region in the south of the Central African Republic.

Despite its vast mineral wealth, including gold and diamonds, the CAR continues to be one of the poorest countries in the world.

With over 20 armed groups present in the CAR, conflicts persist despite military interventions.

Rebel groups launched an offensive in December 2020 to seize the capital, Bangui, but were unsuccessful.

Since 2013, thousands of people, mostly Muslims, have lost their lives in the ongoing violence in the country.

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