Diphtheria outbreak kills at least 600 in Nigeria

Nigeria is battling a severe diphtheria outbreak that has claimed over 600 lives, mainly children, since December 2022, surpassing the 2011 incident with only 98 cases.

Kano state in the north is the epicenter, with over 500 deaths.

Diphtheria is highly contagious and primarily affects the nose and throat, often leading to fatalities.

Many affected children were unvaccinated.

The WHO warns that testing limitations may underreport cases and fatalities.

Contact tracing has helped reduce new cases as the outbreak has affected 19 states and the capital.

Health authorities urge vaccination, as only 57% of Nigerians have received the pentavalent vaccine.

To prevent future outbreaks, the WHO recommends at least 80% vaccination coverage.

The last major diphtheria outbreak in Nigeria occurred in 2011 in Borno state, with 21 deaths and 98 cases.

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