DR Congo church leader faces sedition charges for criticizing government

The Democratic Republic of Congo has charged Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, archbishop of the Archdiocese of Kinshasa, with sedition for his vocal criticism of the government.

Attorney General Firmin Mvonde Mambu directed the court of appeal to initiate a judicial inquiry into Ambongo’s remarks, accusing him of inciting unrest and sedition through his statements.

Mvonde in a statement said the church leader’s comments “amount to criminal acts, towards and against the Fatherland, its people, and its leaders and which undermine the laws of the Republic.”

He directed the judicial service to open an “investigation against the aforementioned (Ambongo) prelate who deliberately violates consciences and seems to find pleasure, through these false rumors and other incitements.”

The Catholic church has been one of the biggest critics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo government since the rule of late President Mobutu Sese Seko.

The cardinal has criticized President Felix Tshisekedi’s administration, accusing it of accumulating vast wealth without regard for the lives of citizens. Authorities, however, have likened it to supporting the M23 rebellion.

The legal action against Ambongo has raised tensions between religious leaders and the state, while also bringing up questions about freedom of speech in the country.

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