DR Congo youth group says 7 activists abducted by security agents

In a peaceful rally in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday, suspected agents of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) reportedly abducted seven youth activists, including four members of the LUCHA group.

The activists were taken by plainclothes agents in a white Jeep to an undisclosed location, according to LUCHA. The rally in the capital, Kinshasa, aimed to highlight the security crisis in the eastern part of the country.

Despite the LUCHA group expressing concern for the safety of its members, the ANR, overseen by the presidency, has not responded to requests for comment.

LUCHA urged the authorities to release those held, emphasizing that security services should focus on addressing issues in eastern Congo, where armed groups, including the M23, are active.

A government source stated that the detained activists would be questioned on Sunday, but the reason for their detention remains unclear.

The rally marked the 600th day of the strategic eastern border town Bunagana’s occupation by Tutsi-led M23 rebels, intensifying the region’s security and humanitarian crisis.

Jean-Claude Katende, president of the African Association for the Defence of Human Rights (ASADHO), criticized the ANR’s actions on social media, questioning their priorities amid the ongoing crisis in eastern Congo. President Felix Tshisekedi’s administration has faced accusations of suppressing dissent, though the government denies these claims.

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