ECOWAS proposes nine-month transition period to Nigerien military

The Economic Community of West African States has imposed sanctions on Niger after troops ousted President Mohamed Bazoum on July 26 and the bloc threatened military intervention as a last resort if talks fail to restore civilian rule.

Niger’s new military leaders have dug in, saying they want a maximum three-year transition period to restore constitutional order and have ordered police to expel France’s envoy as tensions build with a key partner in Niger’s anti-jihadist fight.

Tinubu said Nigeria returned to civilian rule in 1999 after a nine-month transition period instituted by former military head of state, General Abdulsalami Abubakar, who has also headed delegations to meet the Niger junta.

“The president sees no reason why such cannot be replicated in Niger, if Niger’s military authorities are sincere,” the statement said. 

It was the first time an ECOWAS official has publicly discussed a possible transition period for Niger’s military rulers.

Algeria, Niger’s influential northern neighbour, has met with West Africa leaders in a bid to avoid any military intervention in Niger and has proposed a six-month transition. 

But Tinubu’s statement said there would be no relief from sanctions imposed by ECOWAS until the regime made “positive adjustments”.

“The soldiers’ action is unacceptable. The earlier they make positive adjustments, the quicker we will dial back the sanctions to alleviate the sufferings we are seeing in Niger,” it said.

The overthrow of Niger’s government has triggered concern around West Africa where, since 2020, Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso — have been taken over by the military.

Fears of contagion have deepened with this week’s military rebellion in Gabon to overthrow President Ali Bongo, toppled moments after being declared winner of a highly disputed weekend election.

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