Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia experience earthquakes in the past 24 hours

A series of weak to moderate earthquakes have occurred off the southern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, specifically in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia, according to reports from government agencies in the three countries.

Earthquake in Egypt

In Egypt, the National Institute for Astronomical and Geophysical Research announced today, Wednesday, that an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 on the Richter scale had occurred. The institute stated that the seismic stations of the national network for monitoring earthquakes recorded the earthquake 265 kilometers northwest of Marsa Matruh province in northwestern Egypt.

The earthquake occurred at 04:33 local time (01:33 GMT) and residents felt it in most of the provinces. The institute mentioned that it has not received any reports of people feeling the tremor or any reports of casualties or property damage.

Earthquake in Northern Libya

To the west of Egypt, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre recorded an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.6 on the Richter scale in the Mediterranean Sea, about 70 kilometers from the city of Tobruk in northeastern Libya. The centre reported that the earthquake, which occurred at 03:33 local time in Libya, was located 69 kilometers northeast of the coast of Tobruk and had a depth of 10 kilometers.

The earthquake was recorded early Wednesday morning, Libya time, and its epicentre was approximately 281 kilometers from the Egyptian city of Marsa Matruh, according to the centre’s estimates published on its website.

Earthquake Shakes Two Cities in Tunisia

The most recent earthquake recorded was one that struck two coastal cities in Tunisia with a magnitude of 3.8 on the Richter scale, according to the National Institute of Meteorology. The earthquake occurred in the coastal cities of Sousse and Monastir in Tunisia on Wednesday. There have been no reports of casualties, injuries, or damage. According to the official page of the National Institute of Meteorology, seismic monitoring stations affiliated with the institute recorded the earthquake on Wednesday at 03:35 local time.

The earthquake’s magnitude was 3.8 on the Richter scale, with the epicentre initially located at a latitude of 35.84 degrees and a longitude of 10.7 degrees, off the coast of the cities of Sousse and Monastir. Residents in the region reported feeling the tremor.

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