First meeting of Sudanese civil front ‘Takadom’ led by ex-PM

The first meeting of the Preparatory Leadership Committee of the Democratic Civil Forces Coordination (Takadom) was held on Thursday evening ‘virtually,’ following the preparatory meeting in Addis Ababa from October 23rd to 26th.

Former Sudanese Prime Minister and head of the Preparatory Leadership Committee of the Democratic Civil Forces Coordination (Takadom) Abdallah Hamdok chaired the meeting. He welcomed the presence of political leaders, professionals, unions, resistance committees, and civil society representatives.

The statement released by Takadom mentioned that Hamdok emphasized during the meeting the importance of “building upon the achieved success in the preparatory meeting and continuing with the same spirit,” aiming to build what the statement described as “a broader democratic civil front that contributes to ending the war and restructuring the Sudanese state.”

The meeting of Takadom discussed the formation of the remaining coordinating bodies, primarily the executive coordinating office, as well as methods of managing internal operations and communicating with democratic civil forces that did not participate in the preparatory meeting.

At the conclusion of the preparatory meetings in Addis Ababa from October 23rd to 26th, the civil democratic forces in Sudan selected former Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok as the head of the preparatory leadership committee responsible for the oversight, supervision, and preparation for the founding conference of Takadom.

The meeting commended the efforts of Saudi Arabia, the United States, the African Union, and the mediation by the Jeddah platform. It urged the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to progress in negotiations toward a “genuine cessation of hostilities for humanitarian purposes,” leading to a political process that ends the war and addresses its roots, involving broad participation of civil democratic forces, excluding none except the National Congress and its affiliates.

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