Former Sudanese PM calls for unity to end war in Sudan

Former Sudanese prime minister Abdalla Hamdok urged unity among the Sudanese people to seek a lasting solution to the ongoing conflict in the country. He reiterated that in this war, “the victor loses.”

He made this plea during the inaugural session of a three-day gathering in Addis Ababa, where the aim is to establish a united Democratic Civilian Front dedicated to ending the war in Sudan.

During a brief address, the former leader of the transitional government acknowledged the suffering of the Sudanese people resulting from the ongoing war. He emphasized the necessity of joining forces to end the conflict, provide humanitarian aid, and attain a comprehensive peace.

He reiterated his appeal to the regional and international community to step up their efforts to stop the violence and address the humanitarian crisis in Sudan.

Hamdok called on the people not to allow those who fuel hate speech, racism, and regionalism to succeed. He stated, “We must stand firm and unite.” He urged them to draw from the experiences of many nations that faced challenges and crises but emerged victorious through their determination and cohesion.

Hamdok, who stepped down from his position in January 2022, just one month after reaching an agreement with the military leaders who had removed his cabinet, relocated to the United Arab Emirates, where he shifted his focus to regional matters and distanced himself from the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC), the coalition that had played a pivotal role in his rise to power.

However, following the eruption of the conflict, he issued multiple appeals to bring an end to the fighting. He also engaged in a series of meetings with regional and international stakeholders, urging them to exert the necessary pressure on the two warring factions to cease hostilities.

During the opening session, numerous speakers stressed the significance of this meeting aimed at establishing a united civil front to end the war.

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