French troops start withdrawing from Niger

French soldiers in Niger will start their withdrawal operations on Tuesday, escorted by the Nigerien army.

This follows demands by Nigerien generals and negotiations with France, leading to their departure announcement by President Macron in September.

Over the weekend, convoys resupplied French bases in Niger’s northwest, improving conditions for soldiers and preparing for their exit from the “three borders” region.

Leaving Niger presents challenges due to closed land borders with Benin and Nigeria, as well as overflight restrictions.

However, borders with Algeria, Libya, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Chad have reopened.

In parallel, Algeria has suspended its mediation efforts in Niger, seeking clarifications on the mediation’s implementation.

The Nigerien leadership insists on determining the transition’s duration through an inclusive national dialogue, despite initial suggestions of a three-year transition by General Abdourahamane Tiani.

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