Fresh clashes in DRC leave civilians fleeing, death toll rises

Clashes between M23 rebels and the army in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have left 10 people dead and forced many more to flee, local sources told AFP on Tuesday.

The Rwanda-backed M23 (March 23 Movement) resumed its armed campaign at the end of 2021, seizing swathes of territory in North Kivu province.

Fighting in the region has flared as the Congolese army tries to push back against the rebel group who have almost entirely encircled the provincial capital Goma, where hundreds of thousands of displaced people have sought shelter.

In the latest round of violence, a “bomb” landed on Monday on houses at Kikuku, in Rutshuru territory where Congolese armed forces (FARDC) launched a recent offensive.

“The toll is nine dead and nine seriously injured,” an administrative official told AFP.

The official, who wished to remain anonymous, said the projectile came “from the FARDC side”.

Other sources confirmed the bombing, some putting the death toll at eight.

A motorcyclist was also killed on the road by the rebels on Monday, a resident of Kikuku said.

The FARDC backed by armed militia known as the Wazalendo — or patriots in Swahili — launched the offensive about a week ago in the province’s Rutshuru and Masisi territories in a bid to re-capture areas occupied by the M23 rebellion.

The M23 seized the town of Kyaghala on Monday, a civil society official said, adding that this led people to flee towards Kanyabayonga, 40 kilometres (25 miles) to the south.

“Tired and lacking means”, most of these newly displaced people stopped along the way, said the official.

The southern fronts close to Goma, were calm on Tuesday but intense fighting was taking place 70 kms to the north.

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