Group of Western countries to ask UN body to investigate atrocities in Sudan

The United States, Britain, Norway, and Germany intend to present a motion to the U.N. Human Rights Council, proposing an investigation into alleged atrocities in Sudan, as indicated by a draft motion.

The escalation of bloodshed, violence, and displacement has been witnessed since clashes between the Sudanese army and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) began in April, pushing Sudan to the edge of civil war. West Darfur, in particular, has witnessed ethnically motivated attacks resulting in hundreds of casualties.

The RSF rejected accusations from the military linking them to attacks on civilians. They have stated that any of their soldiers found to be involved would face justice.

Sudan’s army also denies allegations of killing civilians and characterises the conflict as an internal matter.

The document condemns human rights violations and abuses occurring in the five-month-old conflict. It proposes the creation of a three-person Fact-Finding Mission to investigate these allegations.

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