Guinea-Bissau president fires PM shortly after reinstatement

Guinea-Bissau’s political landscape faced another dramatic twist as President Umaro Sissoco Embalo ousted Prime Minister Geraldo Martins, barely a week after reinstating him, as reported by a presidential decree on Wednesday. This move comes amidst a turbulent period in the country’s governance.

President Embalo dissolved the nation’s parliament following what he labeled as a thwarted coup on December 1, pointing fingers at the government’s perceived inaction during the unrest. Subsequently, he reinstalled Martins as prime minister on December 12.

The decree relieving Martins from his duties did not explicitly cite reasons for the dismissal. However, insider sources familiar with the situation indicated a discord between the prime minister and the president.

Martins, a member of the former ruling PAIGC party, now part of the leading opposition coalition, found himself at the center of this political storm. Guinea-Bissau, since gaining independence from Portugal in 1974, has grappled with recurrent political upheavals and witnessed several coups.

Tensions escalated further last week when police deployed tear gas to scatter opposition parliamentarians who attempted to gather in defiance of Embalo’s decision to dissolve the house. Amidst this chaos, a timeline for new legislative elections remains uncertain.

The swift dismissal of the prime minister only days after his reinstatement underscores the volatile nature of Guinea-Bissau’s political climate, as the nation struggles to navigate through a period of uncertainty and discord.

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