Guinea junta leader demands UN to ‘stop lecturing’ Africa

Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, the president of Guinea’s junta, defended the use of military involvement in politics at a UN address Thursday, following numerous coups in Africa in Niger, Mali, and Gabon.

“Africa is suffering from a model of governance that has been imposed on us. A model that is certainly good and effective for the West, which designed it over the course of its history, but which is having trouble adapting to our reality,” he told the UN General Assembly.

He is the only coup leader to speak at the UN and expressed how the aforementioned model only exploits and pillages the resources of Africa by others by ensuring the corruption of the elites.

Doumbouya expressed he was not another soldier who wished to “twist the neck of democracy” and impose his dictatorship, detailing that the “real putschists” are those who “scheme, who use deception, who cheat in order to manipulate the texts of the Constitution in order to maintain themselves in power externally.”

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