How African countries weigh in on Palestine

In recent years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has remained a prominent and deeply divisive issue on the international stage. Across the African continent, countries have expressed a range of positions on the matter, reflecting historical ties, political considerations, and evolving global dynamics. Here, we provide an overview of the positions taken by various African nations on the Israel-Palestine issue.

  1. South Africa: South Africa has consistently shown strong support for the Palestinian cause. The country draws parallels between its own struggle against apartheid and the Palestinian struggle for self-determination. It has officially recognized the State of Palestine and has been critical of Israeli policies, including settlements in the West Bank.
  2. Algeria: Algeria has been a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause since its own struggle for independence from France. It recognizes Palestine as a sovereign state and supports the two-state solution based on pre-1967 borders.
  3. Egypt: Egypt has historically played a significant role in mediating between Israel and Palestine. It has maintained a peace treaty with Israel since 1979 but also advocates for Palestinian statehood. Egypt has periodically facilitated ceasefire agreements in Gaza.
  4. Morocco: Morocco has maintained diplomatic ties with Israel for decades. In 2020, it agreed to normalize relations with Israel as part of the Abraham Accords. However, Morocco has expressed support for a two-state solution with East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.
  5. Nigeria: Nigeria has a mixed stance on the issue. While it recognizes Israel and has diplomatic relations with the country, it also supports the Palestinian cause and has called for a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.
  6. Tunisia: Tunisia has consistently supported Palestinian self-determination and has recognized the State of Palestine. It advocates for a two-state solution and condemns Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
  7. Kenya: Kenya has maintained diplomatic ties with Israel but has also expressed support for Palestinian statehood. It has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict through negotiations.
  8. Ethiopia: Ethiopia generally supports a two-state solution but has maintained diplomatic relations with Israel. It has also expressed concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
  9. Senegal: Senegal recognizes the State of Palestine and has been vocal in its support for the Palestinian cause. It supports a two-state solution with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.
  10. Rwanda: Rwanda has diplomatic relations with Israel and supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It emphasizes the importance of dialogue and negotiations.

It is essential to note that positions on the Israel-Palestine issue can evolve over time due to changing political dynamics, international pressure, and regional developments. African countries’ positions reflect the complex web of historical ties, regional interests, and international principles that shape their stance on this longstanding conflict. As the situation continues to evolve, these positions may also shift, making the African continent a dynamic player in the quest for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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