Iran, Niger finalize $56M uranium deal amid covert negotiations

Iran and Niger have reportedly completed a $56 million deal for Tehran to acquire 300 tons of refined uranium, following secret negotiations.

Africa Intelligence first reported the deal in late April, noting Niger’s military junta engaged in covert discussions with Iran for uranium in exchange for drones and surface-to-air missiles.

Yellowcake, a concentrated form of uranium oxide used in nuclear fuel or weapons production, is involved in this deal. The uranium comes from mines in Arlit, Niger, operated by the French company Orano.

Despite denials from Niger’s government, sources claim the deal includes Tehran providing large-capacity generators to help with Niger’s energy deficit and support agricultural initiatives launched after the July 26, 2023 coup.

A secret meeting between Iranian representatives and Nigerien Prime Minister Ali Lamine Zeine reportedly took place in August 2023 in Bamako, Mali, with General Salifou Modi of Niger’s military junta also present. Iranian representatives also met with “pan-African” activists supporting the juntas of Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso.

The deal raises concerns in Washington and Paris about potential sanctions violations and the advancement of Iran’s nuclear program. The uranium quantity matches Iran’s 2019 domestic output, potentially accelerating its nuclear capabilities and escalating international tensions.

Niger’s junta may face strained relations with Western countries opposed to uranium sales to Iran, risking economic sanctions and political isolation.

Shifting alliances and geopolitical tensions in the Sahel

In July 2023, Niger’s President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown by the military junta known as the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland (CNSP), marking the sixth military takeover in Africa’s Sahel region since 2020. The coups began in Mali, followed by Guinea, Chad, Sudan, and Burkina Faso. Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Mali support Niger’s CNSP, opposing efforts to reinstate Bazoum.

Since taking control, Niger’s military has expelled French, European, and American forces, seeking support from Russia. In March, Niger’s junta demanded the withdrawal of US forces after meeting with American officials. Senior US officials expressed concerns about Russian troops’ arrival and accused Niger’s military government of planning a uranium deal with Iran. CNSP spokesperson Abdramane criticized the US for allegedly undermining Niger’s sovereignty, emphasizing the country’s right to choose its partners.

The US had established a significant military presence in Niger, including two bases as part of a 2012 counterterrorism agreement. Air Base 201, costing over $100 million, has been used since 2018 to target Islamic State terrorists and Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM).

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Niger over a decade ago, aiming to purchase uranium before the 2015 JCPOA agreement. Germany-based Middle East researcher Hamid Talebian suggests access to Niger’s uranium could reward Iran’s military assistance to Russia.

In response to the Le Monde article about the rumored purchase of yellowcake by Iran from Niger, Mohammad Eslami, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, stated: “You must consider the source of the news. For the first time ever, we announced the news of the Islamic Republic’s modest nuclear program to the ears of people in all corners of the world in a completely professional manner.”

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