Liberia-flagged carrier boarded by armed individuals off Somalia

Alarms sounded in the international maritime community today as a Liberia-flagged bulk carrier was reportedly boarded by armed individuals off the coast of Somalia. The incident, which occurred southeast of Eyl, has raised concerns about piracy and security in the region.

Both the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) and British maritime security firm Ambrey confirmed the incident, stating that they received a report of five to six unauthorized armed individuals boarding the merchant vessel. The vessel’s specific cargo and name were not immediately disclosed, but Ambrey reported that it was destined for Khalifa bin Salman port in Bahrain.

The exact nature of the boarding remains unclear. Initial reports do not indicate if the crew is safe or if the individuals are pirates seeking ransom or carrying out another motive. UKMTO is currently monitoring the situation closely and is coordinating with relevant authorities to gather further information and assess the level of threat.

The incident comes as piracy activity in the Gulf of Aden has significantly decreased in recent years due to increased international naval patrols and anti-piracy initiatives. However, the waters off Somalia have remained a hotspot for piracy, with several incidents reported in 2023.

This latest development underscores the ongoing risks faced by commercial shipping in the region. The international community is likely to closely monitor the situation and take appropriate action to ensure the safety of the crew and secure the vessel.

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