Machete attacks leave 23 dead in DRC province

At least 23 people have been killed in attacks by a militia group in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ituri province, local authorities reported on Saturday.

The attacks, which took place across several villages in Djugu territory on Thursday and Friday, were carried out by the Cooperative for the Development of Congo (CODECO), one of many armed groups operating in the region.

“The brutality of the attacks is horrifying,” said Vital Tungulo, president of Djugu’s Nyali-Kilo community.

“Many were hacked to death with machetes, while those who tried to escape were shot. Homes were burned and belongings stolen.”

The motive behind the violence remains unclear, but militia activity in the region is often linked to competition for influence and the rich mineral resources found in Ituri.

The UN Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO) has documented a worsening human rights situation in the province since the beginning of the year, coinciding with an increase in CODECO attacks.

Congolese military spokesperson Jules Ngongo Tshikudi condemned the attacks, calling them “unacceptable.” CODECO has not yet responded to requests for comment.

Local resident Daniel Anikumu reported that burials have already begun, including a mass grave for 11 victims in the village of Gangala.

The attacks have caused fear and displacement amongst the local population.

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