Major power outage in Ghana cripples life

Ghana grappled with widespread power outages as a gas shortage hampered electricity production, leading to a 550MW deficit at the Tema power plant, equating to approximately 10% of the nation’s capacity.

The blackout, which began on Thursday evening, affected various regions, with intermittent restoration efforts underway.

Despite these measures, the GRIDCo spokesperson warned of potential further disruptions during peak hours on Friday.

The energy crisis has unfolded amid Ghana’s severe economic challenges, compounded by financial strain on power producers and a struggling energy infrastructure highlighted in a recent study.

Notably, the nation’s heavy reliance on gas for electricity generation has rendered it vulnerable to supply fluctuations, with reports indicating payment issues with gas suppliers as a root cause.

While the timeline for a complete resolution remains uncertain, GRIDCo expressed regret for the inconvenience and attributed the gas supply shortage to complications at the Takoradi gas plant.

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