Morocco, US lead massive ‘African Lion’ military exercise

The 20th edition of the multinational “African Lion” military exercise kicked off Monday in Morocco under the joint leadership of the Moroccan and US armies.

According to a statement by the Moroccan army, the exercise will take place from May 20-31 in several areas of central and southern Morocco, including Ben Guerir, Agadir, Tan-Tan, Akka and Tifnit.

Considered the biggest such exercise in Africa, it is joined by 7,000 elements of the armed forces from some 20 countries in Africa and countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the statement noted.

It added that the exercises include combined day and night tactical, land, sea and air exercises, a special forces exercise, airborne operations and an operational planning exercise for Task Force staff.

The first edition of the African Lion exercise was launched in 2007 between Morocco and the US and is held annually with the participation of European and African armies.

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