Niger accuses Nigeria of destabilization efforts

The Nigerien government has summoned the Nigerian charge d’affaires, accusing Nigeria of “serving as a rear base” to destabilize the country. This move comes amid escalating tensions between the two neighboring nations.   

Relations between Niger and Nigeria have been strained since the military coup in Niger in 2023. 

Despite efforts to normalize relations, including a resumption of security cooperation, the Nigerien government alleges that Nigeria continues to support efforts to destabilize the country, potentially with the complicity of some foreign entities and officials of the former regime.   

This accusation follows a meeting between the Nigerian and Nigerien military leaders in late August where an agreement was reached “not to destabilize Niger or any of its neighbours.”

The Nigerien military government is currently grappling with insurgency linked to Islamic State and Al-Qaeda, operating primarily in the western Tillaberi region and the southeastern Diffa area bordering Nigeria.

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