Niger declares complete removal of French troops by December 22

The Nigerien army declared on Tuesday that all French soldiers will have departed from Niger by December 22, according to an official statement.

As of now, the military reported that 1,346 French personnel and 80% of their logistical equipment have already been disengaged from the nation.

The statement, broadcasted on national television, revealed, “As of this moment, only 157 French soldiers remain within our territory, comprising 75 logisticians.”

Niger had hosted approximately 1,500 French troops as part of a collective regional counter-insurgency force. However, on August 3, the military leadership in Niger announced the termination of military agreements with France.

Initially contested by Paris on grounds of legitimacy, this decision followed the upheaval on July 26 when Gen. Abdourahamane Tchiani led a military intervention that removed President Mohamed Bazoum from office.

In response to weeks of ongoing protests against the French presence in the West African country, French President Emmanuel Macron announced in September a phased withdrawal of French troops deployed in Niger by the year’s end.

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