Nigeria: A student invents sensor glasses for the visually impaired

A 19-year-old SS3 student, Khalifa Aminu has invented an innovative eyeglasses that aid visually impaired individuals navigate without the use of a cane.

This groundbreaking invention is the first of its kind in Nigeria.

The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) in a statement on Monday said it promptly reached out to Khalifa and committed to facilitating an assessment of his groundbreaking invention.

Dr. James Lalu, the Executive Secretary of the Commission whose priorities include ensuring assistive technologies are affordable and available for persons with disabilities in Nigeria, announced that Khalifa and his guardian will be joining the Commission in Abuja to participate in the commemoration of the 1st ever International Day for Assistive Technology. During this visit Khalifa and other AT innovators will interface with the Commission and demonstrate their inventions.

This significant event underscores the Commission’s dedication to accelerating access to assistive technology.

Dr. Lalu also pledged never to let such talents go to waste and has assured that Government is ready to invest in the local production of assistive devices.

Through the Accelerating Access to Assistive Technology Program (3ATP) of the NCPWD, the Commission is set to support local manufacturers, inventors and innovators to realise their full potential.

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