Nigerian army kills 99 terrorists in north, rescues 139 hostages

The Nigerian Army has killed 99 terrorists in northern Nigeria in the past week, according to the country’s defense ministry.

The operations also led to the rescue of 139 people who had been held hostage by terrorists.

The ministry’s media operations director, Edward Buba, said in a weekly press briefing that the military, in collaboration with other security agencies, had conducted operations against terrorists in the northern states of Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, and Katsina.

Buba said 99 terrorists were killed, dozens were wounded and fled, and 198 were captured. He also said 139 people who had been held hostage by terrorists were rescued.

The operations also led to the destruction of terrorist hideouts and the seizure of a large number of weapons and ammunition.

Nigeria has been facing attacks from terrorist groups, including Boko Haram and the Daesh West Africa Province in recent months.

The recent operations are a significant blow to the terrorist groups operating in northern Nigeria. The Nigerian military has been working to counter the threat of terrorism in the region for many years. The recent successes are a sign that the military is making progress in its efforts to defeat the terrorists.

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