Niger’s coup general Abdourahamane Tiani visits Mali, Burkina Faso

Niger’s military ruler, General Abdourahamane Tiani, conducted his first international visits since seizing power in July, meeting with counterparts in Mali and Burkina Faso.

Mali and Burkina Faso, both governed by military leaders who seized power in 2020 and 2022, respectively, expressed solidarity with Niger’s coup leaders during Tiani’s visits.

In Burkina Faso, Tiani engaged in a “friendship and working visit” with Captain Ibrahim Traore, discussing shared concerns such as the fight against terrorism and socio-economic development.

In Bamako, Tiani expressed gratitude to his Malian counterpart, Colonel Assimi Goita, for Mali’s support and determination to collaborate with Niger despite challenges.

The three Sahel countries signed a pact in September, outlining provisions for mutual defense in the event of an attack on their “sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Tiani emphasized the alliance’s goal to transform the Sahel region from an “area of insecurity” to “an area of prosperity” during his visit to Mali.

Economic ties between the countries are set to strengthen, and Tiani thanked neighboring nations for their support following regional and Western sanctions against Niger post-coup.

Tiani criticized the embargo’s impact on the people, expressing a willingness to negotiate with those genuinely concerned about the African population.

The regimes share a commitment to combating insurgency within their borders, emphasizing their united front against the common threat.

Tiani, who pledged to return Niger to civilian rule within three years, contrasted this with Mali’s indefinite postponement of a presidential election scheduled for early 2024.

Plans for a meeting between ministers from the three countries aim to iron out operational details of the new Sahel alliance.

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