Nyerere statue unveiled at AU HQ, honoring Tanzania’s leader

A striking new statue of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, the first Prime Minister of Tanganyika and later the first President of Tanzania, was unveiled on the grounds of the African Union (AU) headquarters in Addis Ababa on Thursday. The ceremony, aligned with the 2024 AU theme of education, celebrated Nyerere’s lifelong dedication to Pan-Africanism, peacebuilding, and his progressive educational philosophy.

Standing atop a granite base inscribed with Nyerere’s impactful words from 1959, “We would like to light a candle and put it on top of Mount Kilimanjaro which would shine beyond our borders giving hope where there was despair, love where there was hate and dignity where before there was only humiliation,” the statue symbolizes his vision of a brighter future for Africa.

The location of the statue, within the building complex named in Nyerere’s honor, further emphasizes his significant contributions. It joins the ranks of other prominent Pan-African figures like Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, solidifying Nyerere’s legacy within the AU.

Beyond his leadership in achieving independence for Tanzania, Nyerere was a champion of education as a tool for liberation and social justice. His philosophy, deeply rooted in principles of self-reliance, equality, and the common good, continues to resonate today. The statue serves as a reminder of his innovative “Ujamaa” concept, which linked education to building an egalitarian society.

The unveiling ceremony, attended by high-ranking dignitaries including the President of Mauritania and AU Chairperson, Mohammed Ould Ghazouani, and Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan, underscored the global impact of Nyerere’s legacy. Leaders from across Africa, former presidents, and distinguished guests gathered to pay tribute to this iconic figure who continues to inspire generations.

Nyerere’s statue stands not only as a physical representation, but also as a beacon of hope, reminding us of his powerful vision for a united, peaceful, and equitable Africa.

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