Opposition activist abducted, found dead in Zimbabwe amid election tensions

Zimbabwe’s opposition faces another tragedy as a prominent activist, Tapfumanei Masaya, was discovered dead after being abducted while campaigning for by-elections.

The Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC), the nation’s primary opposition party, alleges the ruling Zanu-PF party’s extensive campaign of intimidation against its supporters.

This marks the third recent incident denounced by the CCC, revealing a disturbing pattern.

Masaya’s abduction follows the kidnapping and torture of CCC MPs in October and November.

The party reports Masaya’s body was found on the outskirts of Harare after armed men abducted him during broad daylight campaigning.

The CCC calls on the police to investigate, emphasizing the need to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The contested August elections, which returned President Emmerson Mnangagwa to power, triggered the declaration of 15 CCC MPs’ seats as vacant, denounced by the CCC as fraudulent.

December by-elections are scheduled to fill these seats.

Masaya’s death is linked to what the CCC deems the “illegal” and “fraudulent” cancellation of the MPs’ elections.

Observers criticized the August elections for failing to meet democratic standards.

The upcoming by-elections carry significant implications, potentially granting Zanu-PF a two-thirds majority in parliament, essential for constitutional amendments.

Analysts speculate on Zanu-PF leveraging this to extend Mnangagwa’s term beyond 2028.

The current political unrest and tragic events deepen concerns about the state of democracy in Zimbabwe.

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