RSF claims significant wins over SAF and allies in Sudan conflict

On Tuesday, Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) declared significant victories in two pivotal battles against forces loyal to General Burhan, including the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), Islamic Movement, and remnants of the former regime’s mercenary factions.

According to the RSF statement, they have successfully liberated the strategically vital Mount Moye area situated between Sennar and White Nile states.

The operation resulted in the capture of 57 vehicles, destruction of 12 others, and the elimination of hundreds of enemy combatants.

In another engagement in Sennar, the RSF said that SAF suffered substantial losses, with more than 300 casualties reported.

Additionally, RSF seized 37 fully equipped combat vehicles and destroyed seven more belonging to the opposing forces.

The RSF further reported repelling a counterattack launched by the Islamic Movement and Popular Defence Forces, which concluded with the enemy forces being forced back to the western perimeter of Sennar state.

During this confrontation, the RSF captured 20 additional vehicles, destroyed five, and secured weapons, ammunition, and prisoners left behind by the retreating fighters.

The conflict between General Burhan’s SAF and the RSF, ongoing since mid-April 2023, has led to a devastating toll on Sudanese civilians. Reports from the United Nations indicate that approximately 13,900 lives have been lost, and over 8.5 million people have been displaced, marking one of the most severe displacement crises since World War II.

Despite international efforts at mediation, the conflict persists into its second year, exacerbating Sudan’s already dire humanitarian situation.

The RSF’s recent victories underscore their continued dominance in the ongoing struggle for control amidst Sudan’s turbulent political landscape.

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