RSF launches Sudan Agency for Relief and Humanitarian Operations

The Commander of the Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces announced the establishment of Sudan Agency for Relief and Humanitarian Operations (SARHO) in the conflict-plagued country on Sunday.

SARHO, “which shall operate in RSF-controlled territories, with the primary objective of enhancing and coordinating relief and humanitarian operations,” said General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo.

Sudan’s conflict, which has lasted for more than 100 days, has killed over 3,000 people, tens of thousands have been injured, and approximately 4 million people have been displaced, with most of the violence concentrated around the capital.

Dagalo announced the agency will be focused on delivering humanitarian assistance in regions affected by the war, with a particular emphasis on Khartoum, Darfur, Kordofan, and areas of displacement.

He added that the agency will ensure the “fair and comprehensive distribution of humanitarian aid to all affected communities,” and “its use does not violate international humanitarian work principles and regulations.”

SARHO will collaborate with both national and international organizations to mitigate human suffering through the provision of food assistance and medical and health care, RSF said.

RSF announcement comes directly after the World Food Programme (WFP) announced earlier this week that the Sudan conflict has pushed over 20 million people into severe acute hunger, with 6.3 million of them “one step away from famine.”

WFP report underlined that 20.3 million people across Sudan are facing acute food insecurity, “making Sudan one of the most food insecure countries on the planet.”

To combat the problems stemming from conflict RSF says SARHO will also focus on partnering with local and international NGOs to uphold human rights and provide social protection systems for women, children, elderly and disabled persons.

SARHO will partner with organizations focusing on clearing mines, “especially in regions of movement, grazing, and agriculture,” and engage with professionals across “health, medical, and other essential service sectors, especially water, electricity, and communications.”

General Dagalo added that “All individuals and departments affiliated with the RSF are directed to enforce SARHO decision promptly.”

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