RSF vows swift action on civilian violation reports in Gezira state

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan have pledged a firm response to recent reports of civilian violations in al-Hasahisa, Gezira State.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the RSF emphasized its commitment to addressing these concerns with “seriousness and decisiveness.”

The statement outlines the activation of the RSF’s Field Violations and Misconduct Committee, working alongside the Gezira State Command, to directly investigate and resolve complaints in affected villages. The committee’s role is to identify perpetrators, ensure citizen safety, and deliver swift resolutions.

Underscoring a “zero-tolerance policy” towards any infringement on citizen rights, the RSF clarifies its stance against both internal misconduct and external attempts to disrupt peace.

They specifically address grievances raised by residents in villages west of al-Hushaissa, including Tabat Sheikh Abdul-Mahmoud, al-Agaddah, Tanoob Wad al-Balla, and al-Farajab. The statement affirms their dedication to holding all offenders accountable.

Looking beyond this specific incident, the RSF assures citizens throughout Gezira of their commitment to overcoming the crisis through unity and determination. Their focus remains on neutralizing the influence of the “extremist former regime” and rectifying past injustices.

The statement concludes by reiterating the RSF’s vision for a democratic Sudan built on justice and equality, backed by a unified professional national army that prioritizes the safety of the country and its people.

While the statement acknowledges the reported violations, it lacks details on the nature of the complaints or specific actions being taken. Independent verification of the RSF’s claims and the situation on the ground remains crucial.

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