Rwanda claims UN refugee agency lied in UK asylum case

Rwanda has accused the U.N. refugee agency of lying when it told a British court that asylum seekers sent to Rwanda could be moved to countries where they risked torture or death.

Lawyers for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) argued in court on Monday that Rwanda’s asylum system was inadequate, challenging the British government’s policy of deporting asylum seekers there. They claimed that sending asylum seekers to Rwanda risked them being transferred again in a process known as refoulement, citing evidence that had influenced the UK Supreme Court’s ruling last year declaring the British plan unlawful.

Rwanda’s government spokesperson responded on Tuesday, stating, “UNHCR is lying,” and accusing the organization of presenting fabricated allegations to UK courts about Rwanda’s treatment of asylum seekers while still collaborating with Rwanda to bring African migrants from Libya to safety.

A UNHCR spokesperson in Rwanda declined to comment immediately.

Rwanda’s government clarified that the cases mentioned by UNHCR lawyers involved people with legal status in other countries who did not meet Rwanda’s entry requirements or individuals who left Rwanda voluntarily.

The British government announced that the first flight to Rwanda was scheduled for July 24, contingent on the Conservative Party’s victory in the national elections on July 4. However, this plan might be at risk, as the opposition Labour Party, which leads by about 20 points in opinion polls, has pledged to scrap the plan if elected.

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