S Sudan Parliament speaker furious as ministers fail to appear before House

The head of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) in South Sudan expressed her dismay over the continued failure of ministers in the transitional government to appear before the parliamentary deputies when summoned.

Last month, the parliament summoned the ministers of foreign affairs and international cooperation, defence and veterans’ affairs, interior, and national security. The governors of the states of Central Equatoria, Jonglei, Unity, Warrap, and the administrator of Greater Pibor were also summoned.

Officials were called to respond to inquiries related to the escalating security situation along the border between South Sudan and Uganda, the killing of two women by armed criminals in Eastern Equatoria, the assassination of eight traders in Tonga County in Warrap State and other security issues.

However, among the ministers and governors summoned to appear before parliament on Tuesday, only the Minister of Interior, Angelina Teny, the administrator of Greater Pibor, and the governor of Jonglei State attended.

The ministers of foreign affairs and national security, as well as the governors of Unity and Warrap states, failed to appear before the council.

Jemma Nunu Kumba, the parliament’s speaker, in her address to the deputies, called on the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Miri Nawai, to ensure that ministers attend when summoned by parliament.

She stated, “Madam Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, we want to remind you that you must remind the ministers that when they are summoned to appear in parliament, they must attend. We are not joking here; we are talking about people’s lives, and there must be a serious reason for ministers and governors not to attend.”

The parliament speaker later postponed two urgent proposals due to the absence of the summoned officials.

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