Sandal accuses Burhan’s forces of stoking Sudan conflict

Suleiman Sandal, leader of a faction of the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), has accused elements within the Sudanese army linked to the former National Congress Party (NCP) of orchestrating the ongoing war against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

Sandal’s faction, which split from JEM last year, remains neutral in the conflict and advocates for a peaceful resolution.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune, Sandal alleged that NCP remnants are attacking RSF camps to regain power and creating new militias by exploiting tribal divisions, a tactic previously used in Darfur and South Sudan. He asserted that the current war in North Darfur is part of a deliberate strategy to arm tribes and inflame internal conflicts.

Sandal criticized the mobilization of tribes, particularly the Zaghawa, calling it a failed policy due to the growing awareness of the Sudanese people. He also highlighted the Political Framework Agreement as a factor in the conflict, suggesting its goal was to restore the old regime. Historical grievances, power imbalances, and lack of political consensus also contribute to the ongoing war, according to Sandal.

Humanitarian Crisis in El Fasher

Sandal described the humanitarian crisis in El Fasher as dire, emphasizing the need for a ceasefire and negotiations. He revealed plans to restructure a joint force initially formed to provide aid and protect civilians. Sandal proposed that neutral armed movements take control of the city to facilitate a local ceasefire and deliver humanitarian aid.

Egyptian Initiative

Regarding an Egyptian initiative to convene Sudanese political forces, Sandal expressed support for any efforts to stop the war and emphasized the importance of Egypt’s role in resolving the conflict. He also welcomed the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces’ proposal for a “Round Table” to unite political forces committed to ending the war.

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