Sierra Leone says calm restored after armed clashes

After the government ended a curfew imposed due to an attack on a military barracks, the streets of Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital, remained eerily empty early on Monday.

Security forces successfully thwarted an attempt by “renegade soldiers” to breach a military arsenal in Freetown during the early hours of Sunday, according to the government’s announcement.

Amid these incidents, unidentified attackers also struck a police station and facilitated the escape of prisoners from a major prison on Sunday.

Tensions in Sierra Leone have been escalating since President Julius Maada Bio’s controversial re-election in June, which was contested by the primary opposition candidate and cast doubts by international entities such as the United States and the European Union.

In a national address on Sunday, President Bio called upon the country’s political, traditional, and civil leaders to collaborate in ensuring peace.

He mentioned that most of the attackers involved in the barracks assault had been captured, with an ongoing investigation underway.

A government statement issued encouraged citizens to resume their normal activities starting at 0600 GMT on Monday.

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