South Africa calls for UN to send rapid force to Gaza

On Monday, South Africa urged the United Nations to deploy a swift protection force to Gaza, aiming to shield civilians from ongoing Israeli airstrikes.

The country’s foreign ministry emphasized the urgent need for global accountability, particularly concerning the mounting casualties among non-combatants, including children.

Israel’s ruthless attacks, backed by tanks and ground forces, have wreaked havoc on innocent Palestinian civilians, with an alarming number of women and children among the casualties.

With no regard for international law or human rights, Israel’s indiscriminate airstrikes and artillery assaults have plunged Gaza into a state of utter chaos and despair.

The mounting death toll, far beyond official estimates, reflects Israel’s blatant disregard for Palestinian lives and its determination to obliterate the region.

Despite international calls for a ceasefire, Israel continues its brutal campaign, drawing comparisons to apartheid-era atrocities.

The Palestinian people are left defenseless, their basic rights trampled upon, as the world hesitates to intervene in the face of Israel’s flagrant aggression.

Over eight thousand civilians have been killed, predominantly comprising of women and children.

Rescue efforts were hindered, according to the UN humanitarian office (OCHR), as the intensity of the situation persisted.

Amid mounting global appeals for the safeguarding of Palestinian civilians trapped in the conflict zone, South Africa, known for its staunch advocacy for peace in the region, drew parallels between the Palestinian predicament and its own history of apartheid.

While numerous nations have called for a ceasefire or the establishment of humanitarian corridors, South Africa’s specific call for a protection force underscores a heightened level of support beyond that of most countries.

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