South Africans march in Cape Town for Palestinians

Thousands marched in Cape Town in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, calling for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador.

The Israeli offensive, which is widely attributed with aiming at civilians, prompted clergy and anti-apartheid activist Dr. Allan Boesak to lead chants of “free Palestine” and demand the closure of the Israeli embassy.

Boesak condemned the “apartheid state” for its actions over 75 years.

It is estimated that 11,000 – 15,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, with 40% being children.

Israeli is widely accused of committing genocide, and citizens of almost every country in the world have started ongoing protests calling for a ceasefire.

Protester Anjali Kooverjee cited a moral duty to stand against human rights violations, especially violations that are this brutal.

South Africa, recalling diplomats from Israel, reaffirmed support for the Palestinian cause.

Mandela’s grandson, Mandla Mandela, joined the protest.

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