State of emergency lifted in The Seychelles

 President Wavel Ramkalawan lifted a state of emergency late Thursday that was imposed across the Seychelles islands after a devastating explosion at an explosives depot.

Ramkalawan addressed the media and formally announced the relaxation of movement restrictions.

He underscored that the easing applies across Seychelles, except for the Providence industrial area.

“As of now, the country is no longer in a state of emergency, which means that the shops can re-open and that normal movement of the public can resume, with the exception of the Providence industrial area,” he said.

Foreign Minister Sylvestre Radegonde noted that “the government has taken extensive measures to address any potential hazards and to restore normalcy to the affected areas. Our dedicated first responders and emergency services have been working around the clock to mitigate the impact of the disaster and provide assistance to those in need.”

The explosion, which rocked Mahe, the largest island in the Indian Ocean archipelago, resulted in injuries to 66 victims.

The government had urged residents and tourists to stay indoors due to safety concerns.

The Construction Chemicals and Commodities Limited (CCCL) explosives store in the Providence industrial area, bore the brunt of the explosion that caused extensive damage not only to the facility but also affected surrounding areas.

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