Sudan’s army conspiring with Bashir regime – RSF

Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces in a statement on Monday said that Sudan’s Army leader General Abdel Fattah al Burhan was conspiring with former Bashir regime members to cover up the activities of the dissolved National Congress Party.

The National Congress Party, led by dictator Omar al Bashir, was the major political party which dominated Sudan politics from its foundation in 1998 until the Sudanese Revolution after which it was banned.

“The release of leaders of the defunct regime from prisons, their protection, movement from Khartoum to various states of Sudan, and their involvement in the war were completely arranged by leaders of the National Congress in the Armed Forces,” RSF statement read.

The conflict between RSF commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo and army chief Abdel Fattah al Burhan has killed at least 3,900 people, according to a conservative estimate, and displaced some 3.5 million.

The conflict, entering its 3rd month, has been characterized by the RSF leadership, politicians, and certain observers as an endeavor to stage a comeback by the regime of former dictator Omar al Bashir.

The group also accused the army of conspiring against the people of Sudan with the help of military intelligence and certain foreign states, adding that National Congress members were carrying out meetings in Eastern Sudan with the help of armed forces.

RSF added that the army was handing out weapons to some tribes in Eastern Sudan over others which, “constitutes a threat to the social fabric that was already suffering from accumulated tension.”

“It was no secret to anyone that the general mobilization decision issued by al Burhan and opening the camps for the extremist Mujahideen militias and arming them all took place under direct orders from the leadership of the defunct regime.”

The Sudanese group revealed the former regime “now controls the course of affairs within the armed forces and the running of all state institutions.”

“The brave men of the Rapid Support Forces are fully aware of the magnitude of the dangers our country faces,” and they will, “eliminate the former regime and pave the way for a new Sudan, full of security, stability, and peace.”

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