Sudan’s Finance Minister appeals to IMF for support

The Sudanese Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Gibril Ibrahim, met with Mr. Jihad Azour, the Director of the Middle East and Central Asia Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The meeting took place on the sidelines of the current meetings of the IMF and World Bank in the city of Marrakech, Kingdom of Morocco, from the 9th to the 15th of October.

The meeting addressed key topics, including how the Fund can resume its support in Sudan in coordination with its partners from the World Bank, regional banks, and the United Nations, especially in the fields of education, health, food security, and capacity building.

The Minister provided a detailed explanation of the political, security, and economic situations in Sudan, emphasizing that the conflict is confined to specific states, and the majority of the states are experiencing a normal and secure life.

Ibrahim urged the Fund to consider Sudan with special consideration and to overcome the obstacles hindering the resumption of collaboration. He added that despite the war, he remains optimistic, and Sudan awaits a significant economic future, especially as it is a country relied upon for food security in the region.

Mr. Jihad Azour affirmed the Fund’s desire to assist Sudan, especially on the humanitarian front. However, he indicated that the regulations governing the Fund’s operations prevent the provision of support under the current circumstances in Sudan. He emphasized the importance of communication and finding suitable ways to provide support.

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