Sudan’s political blocs convene with European representatives in Egypt

On Thursday, A high-level European delegation engaged in intensive meetings in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, with various Sudanese political blocs, tribal leaders, and religious figures to explore the possibility of ending the war and establishing an inclusive political process.

The Forces of Freedom and Change – the Democratic Bloc (FFC-DB), the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), Malik Agar faction, and the Gathering of Sudan Liberation Forces (GSLF), convened at the invitation of the European Union, with the EU Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa, Annette Weber, in the presence of the German Ambassador to Sudan, Thomas Terstegen, and the French Ambassador Raja Rabia.

The meetings are part of international and regional efforts aimed at ending the war and preparing for a Sudanese dialogue to address the roots of the Sudanese crisis.

The attendees emphasized the importance of enhancing relief efforts for those affected by the war. The meeting discussed the African Union’s initiative and the African Union’s meetings with political components in Cairo in recent times.

During the meeting, various political and civil forces presented their vision for a political solution to the Sudanese crisis. They stressed the need for coordination of international and regional efforts and unification of views and agreement on procedural and technical issues.

They mentioned that the process begins with an immediate ceasefire, addressing the humanitarian crisis and creating the conditions for Sudanese dialogue that leads to a genuine democratic transition and building a state based on equality.

The attendees emphasized the importance of communicating with all parties involved.

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