Suicide attack strikes Somali capital Mogadishu

A suicide attack rocked the Somali capital on Tuesday, police said.

The attack took place near the headquarters of the Mogadishu municipality.

Somali police spokesman Sadik Dudishe, who spoke to Anadolu over the phone after the attack, said a man blew himself up.

He confirmed that the blast caused casualties, but did not give a figure.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack but al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for recent attacks in the Horn of Africa nation.

Somalia has been plagued by insecurity for years, with the main threats emanating from al-Shabaab and the Daesh/ISIS terror groups.

Al-Shabaab has ramped up attacks since the Somali president, who was elected for a second term last year, declared an “all-out war” on the group.

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