Teen motorist arrested for assaulting Kenyan policeman

Kenyan police have arrested a 19-year-old motorist who was filmed attacking a traffic policeman in Nairobi. The video, widely shared online, shows the teenager assaulting the officer with punches and kicks even after the policeman falls to the ground.

The motorist initially escaped when bystanders intervened, but the incident sparked an unusual wave of sympathy for the police, who are often viewed negatively due to allegations of brutality and corruption.

According to a police report, the altercation began when the officer, Patrick Ogendo, stopped the motorist for making an illegal U-turn. Ogendo entered the vehicle and directed the driver to a police station. However, the driver stopped suddenly, drew a sword from under the seat, and attacked the officer, who fled the vehicle for safety. The driver continued the assault outside the car and stole a police pocket phone battery before escaping.

The policeman received first aid at a nearby clinic and was later transferred to a hospital. An accomplice was arrested at the scene, and a police team was mobilized to search for the main suspect, who was eventually arrested at his residence on Sunday evening.

The assault has been widely condemned. Nairobi County Assembly member Robert Alai and former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko both expressed outrage, emphasizing that such attacks on uniformed officers are unacceptable. Nairobi’s head of traffic, Vitalis Otieno, stated that the suspect will face multiple charges, including attempted murder.

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