Togo’s Memounatou Ibrahima: 1st female ECOWAS speaker

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament has made history by electing its first female Speaker, Memounatou Ibrahima, from Togo. 

This groundbreaking moment took place during the 2024 Second Extraordinary Session of the Sixth Legislature held in Kano, North West Nigeria.

Ibrahima’s ascent to the Speakership follows the established principle of alphabetical rotation enshrined in the Supplementary Act on Enhancement of Power. 

Previously, Sidie Mohamed Tunis of Sierra Leone held the position during the Fifth Legislature.

A seasoned parliamentarian, Ibrahima served as the Third Deputy Speaker in the Fifth Legislature, joining the ECOWAS Parliament in 2021. 

Notably, she takes over from Senator Barau Jubrin of Nigeria, who acted as the interim Speaker following the inauguration of the Sixth Legislature on April 4th, 2024. 

Jubrin’s appointment as First Deputy Speaker necessitated a temporary leadership role to prevent a leadership vacuum. 

Interestingly, Togo’s delegation was absent during the April inauguration due to a national electoral process that delayed the selection of their representatives.

This historic election marks a significant milestone for gender representation within the ECOWAS Parliament. 

Ibrahima’s leadership is expected to contribute to a more inclusive and representative legislative body for the West African region.

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