Turkey donates military uniforms, accessories to South Sudan

The Turkish government has donated over 218,000 military uniforms to the government of South Sudan to provide essential attire for the unified forces.

Major General Lul Ruai Koang, the military spokesperson for the army, stated on Tuesday that “the donations were received on Tuesday morning at the headquarters of the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) in Bilpham. The total number of uniforms is 218,693 pieces.”

More than 53,000 unified soldiers graduated last year, and they will be deployed once the necessary resources are available for the Joint Transitional National Committee.

Erdem Mutaf, the Turkish ambassador said, “I assure you that, as the Turkish embassy, and in line with our deep historical and cultural ties with South Sudan, we will spare no effort to strengthen bilateral relations between Turkey and South Sudan in the coming period.”

“I can say that this donation is one of the largest military donations Turkey has made to an African country so far. I believe this item will be a significant contribution to the deployment of the unified forces.” He added.

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