Turkey’s aid agency contributes technical media equipment to Gambia

The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) on Tuesday donated technical media equipment to The Gambia, a West African country that will host next year’s Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit.

The aid agency provided Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS) with new generation devices such as high-quality live broadcast video transmitters and wireless video transmission systems, TIKA said in a statement.

The handover ceremony took place in the Serekunda region with the participation of Turkish Ambassador to The Gambia Tolga Bermek, TIKA Banjul office coordinator Sule Bayar, Information Ministry officials, GRTS staff, and press members.

Bermek said GRTS will broadcast the OIC summit to the world.

“To increase the operational efficiency and live broadcast capacity of GRTS before the summit, TIKA has shown once again its generosity by supplying new generation devices such as high-quality live broadcast video transmitters, wireless video transmission systems, video converters, wireless microphone systems, omnidirectional microphones, and other accessories,” he said.

Bermek expressed his “sincere thanks” to TIKA for this “very kind and timely donation.”

Bayar, for her part, said today’s support is another “strong testimony of the profound friendship” between the countries.

“I believe that this advanced broadcasting equipment and accessories will surely help boost the technical capacity of GRTS, improve the quality and efficiency of its broadcasting services, and provide more information, entertainment, and education, which will bring more benefits to the people of the Gambia.”

The Gambia’s Information Minister Lamin Jammeh said TIKA’s support was instrumental in increasing the technical infrastructure and live broadcast capacity of GRTS. He thanked TIKA and Turkey for their significant contributions.

GRTS is the oldest and main public broadcasting institution in The Gambia.

The next OIC summit is planned to be held in The Gambia in 2024.

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